Kleine Humboldt Galerie (KHG) was founded in 1978 by members of the datacenter of Humboldt University and Berlin-based artists. The aim was to provide a platform for artists, who received hardly any or no funding at all through the GDR government.
Since 1989 international artists are also represented and the exhibitions focus on a particular topic, addressing current political and social issues.
The project space is independently operated by students from different disciplines such as art history and cultural studies. Their work is supported by the Central Institute Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik (HZK) and the press department at Humboldt University. The historic atrium in the main building of the university functions as exhibition space twice a year.
The main goal of the KHG is to approach and examine contemporary art from different perspectives, bringing together positions of established as well as emerging artists and experiment with new ways of curating and perceiving art.